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Hi. I’m Michael.
I’m a serial entrepreneur, and I’ve spent the last 15 years taking companies to new levels, breaking the boundaries of innovation, and triumphing over adversity.
My wife, Victoria, and I started our first business in a 2-bed/1-bath apartment with 4 kids, next to a crackhouse. We pushed through setbacks and failures to lift our family out of poverty.
Along the way, I’ve learned that my struggles make me stronger. And that being the best version of me is the greatest contribution I can give to the world.
It makes me a better husband, and father. It improves my health, energy, and my capacity to serve others. And it has allowed me to build businesses that make the world a better place.
Today, I work for passion, to make a difference, and solve real problems in the real world through my business ventures. This little site is where I share the things I’ve learned, and am still learning, on my journey.
Book a Call with Michael
Want to discuss your project with Michael?
Trying to get traction with an idea? Working with bootstrapped solopreneurs, venture backed startups & growth stage companies taught Michael to navigate the challenges of early stage businesses. Are you a more mature company and KNOW you must innovate to stay alive and achieve the next level of growth? Michael’s experience bringing innovation to established companies may be of value.
Whatever the stage you’re in, I believe entrepreneurs and private businesses are THE key to creating a better future. So, if you’re looking to tap into the new economy that marries profit and IMPACT, let’s talk!

A Better You, A Better World
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